Sunday, November 27, 2011

#14 The university life.

Some people tends to say that you have a lot of free time during the university student.It is exactly; however I think it may make students misunderstand. In other words, someone think that they can play and do whatever they want before they become adults.

I suppose that the fact is university students can use freely their times. Therefore today I will introduce you  the good way to use your free time;Part-time job!


 Some high schools prohibit students to work in Japan, so if you become the university students, all of you can work as a part-time worker. I heard that if you want to do the joba-hunting smoothly, you had better
work at Starbucks, Mcdonald, and Tokyo disnet resort because these three company have accurate educational system and other company recognize it. Therefore, the working experience in these three companies make your job-hunting easier.

For example, at Mcdonald, first you have to study the hospitality, safety and security, and cleanliness. Next, you can choose your position; frontcounter or assembler. If you choose front counter, at first, you have to learn how to clean the floor, and then you can make drinks. Secondly, you can take order from the customer and treat the money. After 2 or 3 months, you can learn how to make potato, or get a complete set and hand the stuffs to the customers.And after you learn all of things, you will be able to be trainer or manager.

Friday, November 18, 2011

# 13 My favorite songs ( the latest)


I think 60's is filled with revolution and has various faces.
now I am interested in Brigitte Bardot who is famous french singer, actress and model during 50's~70's. She was outstanding sex symbol too, and known as BB ( baby in French) with her initial. I like her cute and unique songs and fashionable apperance. Here is my favorite song, " Comic Strip"!

How cute and a little bit sexy melody, isn't it?
This song was composed by Serge Gainsbourg who was famous french but dirty musician. Though he was dirty, bad drunker, heavy smoker and medicinally poisoned, I think he is cool and attractive artist!

This song always gives me peace of mind and relaxation, the song called " La Madrague". I feel the winds coming through osean whenever I listen to this beautiful song.


I like this song too, " Je t'ame moi non plus" with famous 60's icon Jane Birkin. I really like this romantic but nostalgic melody. If I listen to this, I feel like falling love with someone in France!!!!  : P

Finally, I would like to show you so fresh and lovely song, " La Fille de Paille"!!


I was always listening this song on my way to university, looking up beautiful autumn sky and red leaves!
So, this reminds me of happy days of autumn with smells of fragrance treees.

Did you like them? If so, I'm really glad to hear that!!!!!